Basic Forms

class Schema(value=Unspecified, **kw)

Bases: flatland.schema.containers.Dict

A declarative collection of named elements.

Schemas behave like Dict, but are defined with Python class syntax:

>>> from flatland import Schema, String
>>> class HelloSchema(Schema):
...     hello = String
...     world = String

Elements are assigned names from the attribute declaration. If a named element schema is used, a renamed copy will be assigned to the Schema to match the declaration.

>>> class HelloSchema(Schema):
...     hello = String.named('hello')    # redundant
...     world = String.named('goodbye')  # will be renamed 'world'
>>> helloworld = HelloSchema()
>>> sorted(helloworld.keys())
[u'hello', u'world']

Schemas may embed other container fields and other schemas:

>>> from flatland import List
>>> class BigSchema(Schema):
...     main_hello = HelloSchema
...     alt_hello = List.of(String.named('alt_name'),
...                         HelloSchema.named('alt_hello'))

This would create a Schema with one HelloSchema embedded as main_hello, and a list of zero or more dicts, each containing an alt_name and another HelloSchema named alt_hello.

Schemas may inherit from other Schemas or Dicts. Element attributes declared in a subclass will override those of a superclass. Multiple inheritance is supported.

The special behavior of Schema is limited to class construction time only. After construction, the Schema acts exactly like a Dict. In particular, fields declared as class attributes as above do not remain class attributes. They are removed from the class dictionary and placed in the field_schema:

>>> hasattr(HelloSchema, 'hello')
>>> sorted([ for field in HelloSchema.field_schema])
[u'hello', u'world']

The order of field_schema is undefined.

class SparseSchema(value=Unspecified, **kw)

Bases: flatland.schema.containers.SparseDict

A sparse variant of Schema.

Exactly as Schema, but based upon ~flatland.schema.containers.SparseDict`.

class Form(value=Unspecified, **kw)

Bases: flatland.schema.containers.Dict

An alias for Schema, for older flatland version compatibility.